Monday, March 30, 2009

Boston Pics

Plymouth rock

Boston is famous for its Candle Pin bowling. As you can see, the ball is really little, but really heavy. The pins are also skinny. This was an event for all the single law students who attended. I met a bunch of really cool kids going to schools all over the country and we had a blast. We all got Indian food and saw a movie afterwards.

This gives you a taste of the kind of conference it was. This particular course was extremely fascinating.

This is the old State House where the Boston Massacre happened.

Paul and his wife at the dinner we had at the top of Faneuil Hall downtown. Famous place.

Downtown boston

Friends from school Paul and Ruthanne

Harvard's law library. Freaking huge.


  1. That is one SWEET photo of the Old State House. Nice work there Wentz.

  2. Was your bowling name TransBitch by any chance? Just curious.
